I can’t believe it. After all these years, Aerosmith seems to be falling apart – the rest of the band is looking for a new frontman to replace Steven Tyler. Apparently, they are having serious issues and had a falling out recently. I don’t think they can replace him – ever, know what I mean?
Steven Tyler
Steven Tyler Falls From Stage
Aerosmith frontman Steven Tyler injured himself when he fell from the stage during a concert in South Dakota. He has head, neck, and shoulder injuries and has had to postpone future shows. Hope the old guy’s okay.
You Tell Me: Who Is the Prettiest Tyler- Liv, Steven or Chelsea?
Wow! Dude looks like a lady! Stunning Liv Tyler at right, daddy Steven in the middle & sister Chelsea to the left make for a very pretty family photo. And I mean pretty! When did Steven turn into such a nice looking lady?Â