Yes I meant for that to be a sexual reference, but I don’t think it worked out to be one. I love her. I know I say I love a lot of the celebrities that are on here, but this one I really love. Like more than the others with the exception of Natalie Portman. Ironically, Keira was the Natalie body double in that trashy Star Wars movie. Not sure how that worked out, but it worked out fine for me because my two ladies were put together and it was bliss. Not even JarJar Binks could ruin that for me.
That’s what I’m talking about. Don’t you hate when people say that when there is nothing they are actually talking about? It pisses me off.
I don’t know man. That’s another thing that pisses me off. You don’t know what? Why did you just say that? Now I don’t know man because you didn’t justify you saying that in the first place. You have left me in a state of chaos that shakes the heavens to their core.
I have been knighted and am getting some tonight from a damsel in distress. After she slays the dragon. Oh, I think I’m supposed to do that. Nah, she can handle it.