This past Monday I learned a valuable lesson. If you are going to compare Disney teen stars you have to pick a side. I mean go read those comments. You can’t say you like both because there is no fence to stand on. You are either North or South, Blood or Crip, Doogie or Howser.
Now picking sides isn’t that hard when there are only two sides to choose from, but what if there was a third side thrown into the mix?! I’m pretty sure the world would blow up, but this is what Disney does. They see a bit of chaos and decide to throw a poodle into it. You don’t think poodles cause chaos then you haven’t put one into a microwave before because let me tell you something. Trying to clean up that mess is the definition of chaos.
Oh yeah, Miranda Cosgrove is iCarly. Wait, this whole time I was saying Disney, but she might actually be on Nickelodeon. Damn I probably messed that up and some kid is going to come on here and try to correct, but I’m a grown man little boy. Go stare at your iCarly posters and get off my lawn.
This is for grown folks only. Hopefully Santa brings me the season 1 and 2 DVD sets for Christmas.